If it's Fido waking you up throughout the night, kick him out of the bedroom, or set aside a pet bed for him to sleep on. 如果你的宠物在夜里频频把你吵醒,把它从床上踹下去吧。或者为它准备一个宠物床供它睡觉。
After they moved into their new house, they bought a bedroom set. 他们搬进新居后,买了一套卧室家具。
They would furnish you with a whole bedroom set. 他们一定想送你整套寝具。
His wife opened the little bedroom door adjoining her room, and, taking the candle, set it down on the top of a bureau there. 他太太打开自己卧室隔壁那间小卧室的房门,把手里的蜡烛放在柜子上。
His bedroom was the simplest room of all& except where the dresser was garnished with a toilet set of pure dull gold. 他自己的卧室是所有屋子中最简朴的一间&只有梳妆台上点缀着一副纯金的梳妆用具。
Meir proposed that a bedroom adjacent to the kitchen be set up for the prisoner. 梅尔建议用厨房旁边的卧室关艾希曼。
Is that todd's bedroom set? 那是托德的卧室吗?
I don't go into your bedroom and set up a goddamn sawhorse. 我没有冲到你房里,竖一个该死的锯木架。